Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries, 271 (Auditorium)
Dr. Maria Repnikova, (Georgia State University)
Journalism Room 511
Rumya Putcha (University of Georgia)
1260 S. Lumpkin St. (Willson Center for Humanities and Arts)

Park Jeong-Mi, "The State's Sexuality: Prostitution and Postcolonial Nation Building in South Korea"
Park Jeong-Mi, Sociology (Chungbuk National University)
MLC Room 367
Dr. Isabel Huacuja Alonso , (Columbia University)
Hugh Hodgson School of Music, 250 River Road, Room 308
Miller Learning Center, Room 248
Delta Innovation Hub 210 Spring Street
Sanford Hall Room 209
Graduate Reading Room, Main Library
Appleton Auditorium, Athens-Clarke County Library
Anuradha Bhasin, (Executive Edtior, Kashmir Times)
MLC 248
314 North Tower, 3rd Floor, Zell Miller Learning Center
Chris Suh, History (Emory)
101 LeConte Hall
Dr. Victor Seow, History of Science (Harvard University)
Virtual Event on Zoom
Dr. Wai-yee Li, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations (Harvard University)
Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall, UGA Law School
Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall and Russell Special Collections Library
Dr. Priyasha Mukhopadhyay, English (Yale University)
Park Hall Room 265
Margie E. West Gallery, Lamar Dodd School of Art
Mi-Ryong Shim (University of Georgia)
The Athenaeum
Dr. Ling Ma, History (State University of New York Geneseo)
Virtual Event on Zoom
Dr. Carol Gluck, History (Columbia University)
Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall, UGA Law School
Dr. Andrew Liu, Department of History (Villanova University)
Dr. Maren Ehlers, (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Dr. Pia Brancaccio, (Drexel University)
Lamar Dodd School of Art | S150
Dr. Ronald Davidson, (Fairfield University)
Lamar Dodd School of Art | S150
Dr. Marko Geslani, Department of Religious Studies (University of South Carolina)
Peabody Hall | 115
Dr. Pierce Salguero, (Penn State University’s Abington College)
Lamar Dodd School of Art | S150
Dr. Ju-Hyung Rhi, Department of Art and Archaeology (Seoul National University)
M. Smith Griffith Auditorium | Georgia Museum of Art
Dr. Jungnam Kim, Korean Language (Kyung Hee University)
350 MLC, UGA
Dr. Ari Lieberman, Comparative Literature (Uni)
350 MLC, UGA
Haun Saussy, Comparative Literature and East Asian Languages (University of Chicago)
248 MLC, UGA
Masaki Mori (University of Georgia)
348 MLC, UGA